In this age of instant gratification, where the entire world is caught up in the ‘instant’ culture, how can we raise children to just slow down and enjoy the simple pleasures of life? As parents we must imbibe more sustainable parenting practices that will enable our children to be more prepared for the future. It is important to empower kids with the right skills so that they are prepared to face a future filled with high-tech competition and innovations. According to Carlota Nelson, director of the documentary Brain Matters, there are five easy effective tips that will set up kids for future success.
Click here to read what Learner Circle is doing to enable and empower kids for future success.
Related: https://www.learnercircle.in/post/experiential-learning-the-benefits-of-experiential-learning
Encourage conversation with kids of all ages
Parents may try to encourage any form of communication at the earliest possible age. Even the gestures and sounds made by babies are a form of communication. Scientists claim that even baby talk should be treated as real conversation. It is important for parents to use any cue or sound from the baby to engage with them throughout the day. As a baby, the number of words a child is exposed to will impact the reading levels when they are older. Experts recommend that parents take baby babble seriously. When parents chat with kids, their language processing improves and they learn new words more swiftly. Click here to read on how learning a language can impact a child's brain. https://www.learnercircle.in/post/learning-a-language-can-do-a-lot-to-a-child
2. Reading regularly
Babies can distinguish each sound even at the age of three and that too, in every language in the entire world. Parents can build language skills of the baby just by reading aloud to them each time. Making the reading session interactive will enhance language skills and create a love for books and reading.

3. Foster learning at every opportunity
When the kids are young, every interaction can be used as a learning opportunity. Parents can narrate their day-to-day task to stimulate language. Math can be introduced through counting and sorting laundry.
A lot of learning can be encourage through the arts, like dance or music. When children are exposed to music at an early age, their cognitive centres get activated early, thus enhancing their cognitive skills. Music is known to improve academic performance. The impact of music is stronger when kids begin to learn music at an early age. Read on to find out the link between math and music. https://www.learnercircle.in/post/how-learning-music-can-help-your-child-to-score-well-in-maths
Learner Circle is taking a proactive role in helping children build future skills like creativity, cognitive thinking, critical thinking and logical reasoning. Based on these needs, we have curated a course on mental math for kids. Details of the course are here: https://www.learnercircle.in/mental-maths-course-online
Related learnercircle.in/post/5-essential-skills-the-next-generation-needs-to-become-better-citizens
4. Encourage play as often as possible
Young children love to play and a lot of learning takes place during play. Role-play or make-believe play teaches them empathy, enhancing creativity and imagination at the same time. Through play children improve social skills and learn socially appropriate behaviors. Children can also create a world of endless possibilities and improve problem solving capabilities.
To this end, Learner Circle was founded with the vision of enabling children with enhanced skill development. In order to offer children the platform for early age development, a plethora of courses have been designed. To cater to the unique needs of every child, we have both online and outdoor programs put in place. Our latest event, focuses on the need for some children who lean more towards play. Based on the Multiple Intelligence theory, we have especially curated our experiential learning course for children who exhibit high intelligence in areas that focus on physical movement and involvement with nature. Please read this blog to understand the importance of experiential learning in the overall development of a child. https://www.learnercircle.in/post/experiential-learning-the-benefits-of-experiential-learning
Related: https://www.learnercircle.in/post/a-historical-study-on-extra-curricular-activities-ea-the-beginning
5. Be a good role model
Children can perfect the art of imitating. They imitate everything a parent does. Until they pick up language skills, they non-verbal cues to communicate and many of these cues are imitations. The behavior of the parents around the baby shapes the person they become as adults. Learner Circle understands the impact a parent can have on the child. In order to enable parents to offer their kids an enriched environment that is inspiring, we have curated courses for adults and families. Our courses on arts try to cajole the adult to re-start a hobby or re-ignite a passion. A parent who invests in self-development has more to offer to parenting. We believe parents who take the time to invest in a passion can have a more significant impact on the way a child chooses to spend free time. Click here to read on how Learner Circle is trying to help adults get back to their jamming days. https://www.learnercircle.in/post/get-back-to-those-jamming-days
Include the above 5 critical parenting methods in a child’s routine to enrich a child’s life with social, emotional, and intellectual skills. These parenting tips will accelerate the journey to early age development and will enhance skill development. These simple tools make a significant impact in preparing a child for the future. Learner Circle is prepared to assist you in that journey, check out our website to know how we can help you. We have a range of courses to improve futuristic skills like critical thinking, creativity, logical reasoning and problem-solving.
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