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1st Part

PLL-Permutation of Last Layer

1.Rotation of Cube

2. 4 Magic Moves

Starting of perms

1.H Perm

2. Z Perm

3.UA Perm

4.UB Perm

5.T Perm

6.F perm

7.JA Perm

8.JB Perm

9.GB Perm

10.GA Perm

11.GC Perm

12.GD Perm

13.F Perm

14.Y Perm

15.AA Perm

16.AB Perm

17.RA Perm

18.RB Perm

19.V Perm

20.NA Perm

21.NB Perm

Speed Cubing(16 sessions)


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